EZ Gel | Platelet-Rich Fibrin
The Ultimate Blood Concentrate
- 100% natural and unmodified rejuvenation using your own cells
- Completely natural alternative to synthetic alternatives
- Maximal growth factor stimulation
Platelets and white blood cells are two important producers of growth factors which are essential for the rejuvenation process. The plasma, composed mostly of water and proteins also play an important role in obtaining the Ultimate Blood Concentrate. Once removed from its natural environment, plasma coagulates and fibrin scaffold starts to form. This network of proteins will keep the blood cells more active, allowing for a longer, slower and more durable release of growth factors.
The EZPRF process will separate the red blood cells from all the other cells and proteins that will be collected and reused. Your blood is really all you need!
What is EZPRF?
EZPRF is an autologous blood concentrate, 100% natural, free of additives and chemicals, and packed with powerful cells for skin rejuvenation purposes. EZPRF produces Platelet-Rich Fibrin from your own whole blood sample.
How does it work?
By isolating your own regenerative cells using a slow and short centrifugation process. These cells will then be used for skin improvement purposes.
Why is it better than traditional PRP?
This second-generation concentrate doesn't require the use of any additive nor anti-coagulant to unlock our bodies natural healing properties. It uses the latest technologies to maximize natural body response without damaging with its environment.
Post-Treatment Recommendations
Sculptra® is a nonsurgical procedure that allows patients to resume their daily routine as soon as possible. However, following these suggestions might assist patients in achieving maximum comfort:
- Apply ice to the region to minimize edema.
- Follow the 'Rule of 5's' (massage for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days)
- After treatment, don’t exercise excessively for the first 24 hours.
The Result?
A concentrate richer in platelets and longer-lasting growth factors for maximum stimulation and best results!
What's the procedure like?
- Blood Draw: A small sample of your blood is collected in the EZPRF tubes.
- Centrifugation: The EZPRF tubes are then spun in order to separate your red blood cells from everything else. The centrifugal force generated pushes the heavier red blood cells to the bottom of the tube.
- Collect Concentrate: Once the centrifugation is complete, the top layer of the tube's content is collected. This layer (approx. 10% of tube) is composed of your very own platelets and white blood cells. The Ultimate Blood Concentrate!